Sprout Studio
For children 4 years 9 months to 7 years old
Monthly tuition – $1,200
In the Sprout Studio, we plant the seeds for learning in our youngest students. Children learn to be good friends, valuable members of a loving community, and develop a sense of right and wrong. Inspired by the work of Maria Montessori and Reggio Emilia, we honor their natural desire to explore freely, and validate the joy that comes from discovering the world around them.
Discovery Studio
For children 7 to 11 years old
Monthly tuition – $1,350
In the Discovery Studio, we fuel creativity and the love of learning through play, exploration, self-mastery, and teamwork. Students challenge themselves to work hard, set personal goals each day, and discover and grow their unique gifts. We cherish their remarkable transformation into self-driven learners.

Journey Studio
For children 11 to 14 years old
Monthly tuition – $1,350
In the Journey Studio, we continue with the momentum gained in the Discovery Studio. By this point, students have developed strong independent learning skills are ready to move forward in their scholastic journey. Students are confident, curious, and prepared to take ownership of their education.