What is your name?
What is your email address?
What is your child's name?
What is your child's age?
Tell us about your child! What are his/her interests or hobbies? When is he/she most happy?
If your child already attended school, what did you like about their previous school? What do you wish was different?
Why do you think your child will thrive at The Treehouse Academy?
What do you value most as a family?
What are your goals for your child?
The Treehouse Academy is more than just a school. We believe in growing a community of like-minded families, where our students overcome challenges, grow and learn from one another, and have a positive impact on the world. Is your family committed to investing in and building this community with us?
Has your child been diagnosed with or do you believe he/she has ADD, ADHD, or ODD?
Has your child been diagnosed with or do you believe he/she has dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia?
At The Treehouse Academy, classes are student-driven. Rather than lecture, teachers guide their students to where they can find answers to their questions. Guides do not teach lessons, nor do they collect work from students. Guides assist students in setting weekly goals, and students report their progress. How comfortable are you with this student-driven model for learning?
What excites you most about The Treehouse Academy?